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Aurora Colorado online Form 5558: What You Should Know

Aurora Taxpayers Have No Right To Fight The City.” That is the headline of the headline story in the June 7th, 2025 Denver Post. The article begins by saying, The City of Aurora has an ordinance that says you must pay in advance, whether in cash or in property, or in a combination, for all tax refunds made by the city, plus interest, unless you have a valid, existing credit or debit account. “Aurora, Colorado Law Prevents Taxpayers From Taking Back Refunds.” The article reports the following facts. First, “In order for anyone to take back refunds, they would have to pay their taxes and wait for the city to pay back the refunds.” “Aurora's tax refund laws, which are among the most restrictive in Colorado, bar homeowners from suing to recoup refunds.” Second, The Denver Post said that, “Aurora officials said the city has never had an instance where someone tried to collect a tax refund. In fact, the city has never had to return a refund to anyone, city officials said.” Third, “Officials said some people are still able to take back their refunds... because the city will eventually collect it through its annual property tax collection system.” The “annual property tax collection system” is an annual assessment levied by the city on all owners in the city. Fourth, “The city's tax collector handles all property tax refunds,” and “The only way he keeps track of what happens to those refunds is through a computer that keeps track of each homeowner's refunds.” The article reports the following facts. First, “This year the city took in 50.6 million in refunds.” Second, “According to the most recent assessment of property tax bills, homeowners with outstanding assessments in 2025 owed about 2.5 million.” The article reports “the city collected more than 1 million in refunds, nearly three out of every four of the 2.5 million in outstanding assessments.” “The fact-check was not quite so definitive.” In fact, it was not quite so definitive. “That's because property taxes are not fully paid out until the following year's tax bill is received. The city sent thousands of bills in 2017.” “The city sent about 1,000 bills in 2017, and those could be sent at any time.” In this case the city did not send one bill in 2017.

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